All posts by Ann Stebner Steele

Intro to Living & Writing Wyoming


In the last weeks, I have spent much time agonizing over what sort of theme to post about and how to organize this website. What I finally realized is that I lead an eclectic life, with diverse interests that take me in many directions. Since I was in high school, I have at times envied my friends who have a single-minded focus and purpose in life: a friend who was a scratch golfer, another who was a state-champion and school-record setting swimmer,  even the kids who played Dungeons and Dragons with diligence. I admire and sometimes long for that focus, the ease of knowing exactly where my free hours will be spent.

This is not to say that I am not dedicated in my pursuits. No, I have always thrown myself whole-heartedly into whatever I am doing. But I have many passions, and being passionate about many things means having to choose. The hours I spend riding my horse are hours I do not spend writing, do not spend fishing, do not spend reading. The hours I take to escape for multiple day backpacking trips are hours that I cannot spend with my horse. Weekends spent at the family cabin are weekends when my flowers languish and grow thirsty and my drawings and paintings wait unfinished on my desk.

I know it is silly to lament a full life. I am lucky to have it. But I also desire the mastery that comes with choosing one true passion. Yet, finally, I cannot choose. This blog, therefore, will be a chronicle of my life as an eclectic Wyomingite. That I did choose, choose every day — life in this arbitrary square, with my face to the sweep of the horizon, my feet firmly on the red dirt ground, and my family close by.